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R PLACE A World of Greater Discoveries 

Be Your Own Healer - Coming Home to the Heart

With Diana Allen - Spiritual Teacher, Shaman, Artist, Sacred Sound Musician, Spiritual Teacher, Shaman, Artist

November 17th, 18th 10am-5pm

You are invited to join a transformational workshop to access the power in awakening in all aspects of your life. As you move through the veils that prevent you from accessing your high heart, you open to greater compassion for yourself and others.

You will learn:

  • how to communicate with your body, manage your unique energy system, set and maintain healthy boundaries.

  • a powerful process to release limiting patterns and beliefs around lack- lack of money, lack off relationships, lack of health and or lack success held in your DNA.

  • to source the messages contained in unexpressed, unreleased and unhealed pain held in the cellular memory within the mental, emotional, physical and intuitive bodies that are showing up as “dis-ease” in the physical body

  • a pattern interrupt - two most powerful words

  • to speak in a clear concise way without the many “fillers” in most peoples communication

  • to release the armouring from your heart and live in greater harmony with yourself and others

  • to connect with the compassionate heart, a step to inner wholeness and freedom

Diana, is a world traveler and has facilitated workshops in 34 countries on 5 continents. Her purpose is to assist others to Be Your Own Healer, finding the power within to heal themselves.

Diana integrates the metaphysical and scientific and is on the cutting edge working with cancer patients and vaccine damaged children. Her professional trainings are varied from Jungian Psychotherapy to a three year apprenticeship with a Celtic Shaman and a Russian Shaman. As a sacred sound musician she knows the power sound holds to affect the healing and re-configuration of the DNA. She drums and chants and the sounds are specific for the group or individual.

Diana has recently facilitated workshops with the First Nations Indian Bands in Canada assisting them to move through intergenerational trauma.


“I am feeling fantastic. Aches and clicking gone from my joints. My tight sore neck feels better than it has in years. The fog has lifted from my head. The fear has left my heart.

All morning I have been singing Is this love , is this love, is this love that I'm feeling (Bob Marley). I am filled with JOY and ready to continue on my spiritual path. I had hit a wall and have been sabotaging myself this spring. I think the wall was named fear.”

With love and gratitude,

KB Be Your Own Healer, Anglemont, June 2018

“ I had a chronic pain in my shoulder from an accident 40 years ago and thought that it was something that I had to live with. I experienced a session with Diana, am sleeping better, more mobility and the pain is gone except for a few minor twinges every so often”

PG Isle of Man, April 2018

Dates: November 17th, 18th 10am-5pm

Location: R Place, Fasoula, Cyprus

Investment: 188 Euros payment by cash to Florentina Panaji or Paypal to Diana

Please bring food to share for the pot luck lunch on both days

Class is limited to 10 participants

To register please contact Diana at

or Florentina

Co-Author (Be Your Own Healer) in the Change Insights into Self Empowerment Book Series #8

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